of War
December 2002
by Patrick J. Sloyan |
sergeant was puzzled. His vision was dimming. His nose began to run
and then there seemed weight on his chest and he struggled to breathe.
His squad of riflemen deployed in the desert of southern Iraq watched
in horror as their leader began vomiting before collapsing into a bundle
of convulsions.
These are the telltale signs of nerve gas poisoning that could come
from a tiny drop of Sarin on an exposed wrist. A listing of these effects
are part of the lesson plan U.S. Marines were offering a group of journalists
who may wind up on the battlefield if President George W. Bush launches
Desert Storm II. The Pentagon offered to prepare reporters with a rough
basic training program at Quantico, Va. starting last month .
Nerve gas--Sarin--has been in the arsenal of Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein at least since he ordered it used by his troops against ill-prepared
Iranian forces after Iraq's 1981 invasion. Hussein’s expertise
in manufacturing and weaponizing Sarin makes it certain the nerve gas
will be on the priority list of U.N. weapons inspectors now in Baghdad,
according to US intelligence.
For President George Bush the Elder in 1991, his worst
nightmare was the vision of American forces writhing from the effects
of Sarin as they moved to oust Iraq from the tiny sheikdom of Kuwait.
Fear of media coverage of such nerve gas attacks may
have led Bush to order a press blackout when allied troops began to
roll on Feb.24,1991. "They didn't want pictures in the living room
of our troops being rocketed with Sarin,'' said a senior general who
helped plan Army Gen.
Norman Schwarzkopf's attack. "No pictures."
Schwarzkopf as did most military planners doubted Hussein would use
the nerve agent. He lacked an effective delivery system--122mm rockets--and
an errant breeze could waft the vapor in the wrong direction. And, then
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney promised a gas attack by Baghdad would
produce an "overwhelming," but unspecified U.S. response.
The always uncool Vice President Dan Quayle piped up that Cheney was
talking about using nuclear weapons on Hussein.
For whatever reason, Iraq never used one of its most potent "weapon
of mass destruction," resulting in a sigh of relief by both the
political and military leadership of the Persian Gulf War.
But the terror weapon was unleashed--unwittingly--by U.S. Army engineers
after most of the fighting was over. It produced the largest allied
casualty list of the war. American taxpayers are financing more than
$4 billion a year in compensation to Gulf War veterans and their families.
According the Central Intelligence Agency and the Army, 4.8 tons of
Sarin nerve gas was released into the atmosphere in northern Iraq when
engineers destroyed 1,610 Kaytusha rockets tipped with Sarin warheads.
The first release-- from 1,060 of the 122mm Soviet-made rockets-- on
March 4,1991 was limited because they were destroyed with explosives
placed inside storage bunkers at a crossroads called Kamisiyah.
CIA and Army experts argued the bunkers kept most
of the Sarin vapor out of the atmosphere. Worse however was a second
engineer demolition of 550 Kaytushas on March 10. These rockets containing
Sarin-filled warheads were destroyed in an open pit. More than 130,000
American troops were deployed within the 15 mile radius of the Sarin
vapor cloud created by the March 10 blast.
Those units affected with troops in 1st Mechanized, 24th Mechanized,
82nd Airborne, 1st Armored, 3rd Armored and 1st Cavalry Divisions as
well as smaller reserve and national guard units. The plume also covered
sections of occupied Kuwait but no estimates of population were made
by the CIA and Army.
Disclosure of the Sarin plume over U.S. troops came in 1996 when the
administration of President Bill Clinton was still disputing both the
cause and effects of the so-called Gulf War syndrome. Then, 8,000 veterans
of Desert Storm had a collection of symptoms including fatigue, sore
joints, sleeplessness, stomach problems and skin disorders.
Pentagon officials learned about the Sarin releases in 1994 but did
not tell ailing veterans or the public about the plume of nerves until
two years later. Just as smelly was Pentagon handling of Desert Storm
records of detection of airborne poisons by U.S. units before the groundwar
began. Defense officials blamed a malfunctioning hard drive for destroying
two separate sets of chemical detections.
As the number of victims soared, the Pentagon insisted the Sarin releases
were not a cause. Nerve gas dissipates within hours. But some critics,
including Jim Tuite, a Senate investigator who helped stage the first
Congressional hearings on the issue, had a different view. Tuite has
uncovered East german records of workers who handled stores of Sarin
nerve gas. Low level exposures to the gas for years had given them the
same sort of symptoms plaguing Gulf war veterans. And, Tuite argues
other Iraqi chemical weapons were released into the air during a month
of bombing Hussein's storage areas and military factories.
Army doctors, the Department of Veterans Affairs and most of the U.S
medical community continued for a decade to view the Gulf War syndrome
as mysterious and unexplainable. So far, 167,000 men and women who served
in the conflict have been granted various degrees of disability by the
government along with different cash payments and pension rights. Today,
they account for almost half of the disabled Gulf War vets who, along
with their wives and children, get $370 million a month, according to
the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Paul Sullivan of the Gulf War Veterans association says the cumulative
total of men and women affected--veterans , active duty, national guard
and reserve soldiers who served in the 1991 conflict--is closer to 200,000.
It wasn’t until this fall--11 years after the event--that the
Veterans Affairs Department for the first time acknowledged toxic exposures
as a cause of Gulf War illnesses. Two recent Pentagon studies finally
reached the same conclusion: low does of Sarine exposure are linked
to long-term neurological problems.
These concessions come after a pounding by Congress,
the media and grassroots organizations such as Sullivan’s Gulf
War group.
Still, there is no mention of Sarin it the latest Pentagon report on
the Gulf war syndrome although another culprit has been pinpointed--dirty
"Many veterans of the Gulf War have expressed concern that their
unexplained illnesses may result from their experiences in that war,"
said Dr. William Wenkenwerder Jr., assistant defense secretary for health.
"Of primary concern," for affected troops, Wenkenwerder said,
"was poor air quality that was the result of several factors: blowing
sand, emissions from petro-chemical complexes, civilian and military
vehicle traffic and oil well fires in Kuwait."
©2002 Patrick J. Sloyan
Contributing Editor
Patrick J. Sloyan won the Pulitzer prize for his coverage of Desert
Storm while Senior Correspondent for Newsday. He wrote this article
while a Fellow at the Alicia Patterson Foundation. Sloyan currently
in writing a book on the seeds of the Vietnam War. |