The Digital Journalist presents a selection from the 100 Photographs
That Changed the World

A MultimediaProduction
and Text
Editor: Robert Sullivan
Picture Editor: Barbara Baker Burrows
The Premise Behind These Pictures
Let us first pose a question: Is it folly
to nominate 100 photographs as having been influential to world events,
or is this a valid historic inquiry? LIFE will, here and in the following
pages, put forth its argument. You be the judge.
Having been in the business of presenting stirring, revelatory photography
since 1936, LIFE has a vested interest in claiming for photojournalism
a place of high importance. Given its preferences and an endless page
count, LIFE would put forth a thousand and more photos of substance,
each of them worth at least a thousand words.
Words. Ever since chisel was taken to slate, it has been accepted that
words can and do change the world. Whether it be the Torah, the New
Testament or the Koran, the Magna Carta or the Declaration of Independence,
J’Accuse, Oliver Twist or Catch-22, Common
Sense or Silent Spring, the effect of words can reach
so many hearts and minds that it impacts the human condition and the
course of mankind. Speeches incite, editorials persuade, poems inspire.
Can photographs perform similarly?
For several weeks in the spring of 2003, LIFE solicited an-swers to
that question on its own Web site (
and that of the highly regarded Digital Journalist (,
an online publication affiliated with the University of Texas. We received
many opinions, most of which supported our conceit that a photo could
change the world—music to our ears—along with one detailed,
intelligent rebuttal. “I really do not believe that photographs
actually change anything, least of all the ‘World,’”
wrote Joshua Haruni. “To suggest that photographs, like the written
word, have had a profound effect on our lives is simply wrong. Just
imagine suggesting that Picture Post or Time or LIFE
had as much impact on our lives as Das Kapital, Mein Kampf
or the Bible . . . Photographs can be very beautiful, informative, ugly
or anything else the photographer chooses to show. Photographs can definitely
inspire us, but the written word has the ability to spark the imagination
to greater depths than any photograph, whose content is limited to what
exists in the frame.” Mr. Haruni is, by the way, a documentary
His argument forced us to once again confront our premise. We compared
Mr. Haruni’s thoughts and those of other respondents and finally
determined: A collection of pictures that “changed the world”
is a thing worth contemplating, if only to arrive at some resolution
about the influential nature of photography and whether it is limited,
vast or in between. We do not claim that LIFE’s 100 are the 100
or the top 100, but that they, and the other related landmark images
presented here, argue on behalf of the power of pictures.
Not every iconic image will be found here. Many nominated the 1937 crash
of the Hindenburg. We looked hard at the picture, the event
and the aftermath, and decided against. We may be remiss about the Hindenburg,
and we may be wrong about excluding our friend Alfred Eisenstaedt’s
picture of the sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square. Some of you
will, no doubt, be disappointed by some choices and omissions. But many
who answered our query will be pleased to see their passions shared.
“The lone Chinese demonstrator as he stops a column of advancing
tanks in Beijing was a person of steel,” wrote Maek Lester S.
Cayabyab, a journalism student in Manila. Jacob Meade, a “photo
fan” from Amherst, N.H., won’t find his Hindenburg,
but he offered a compelling argument for “the portrait of Anne
Frank: The poignancy of her gaze haunts the world to this day, pointing
up the horror of Hitler’s genocide and making us wonder how many
brilliant young women such as herself were lost.”
We took
all nominations seriously, added our own, and then solicited the advice
of some old LIFE hands. Renowned photographers such as John Loengard
and Gordon Parks, who writes the evocative introduction immediately
following, contributed their expertise. And then, just before we closed
the book on this book, an E-mail came from Gary and Anita Fender of
Celina, Ten., that put the project in perspective. Attached was a photo
of their infant grandson, Caden Zane Brown, born March 16, 2003. “He’s
changed our world,” the Fenders wrote, implying a truth that underlies
every picture in these pages. It is, in the end, a personal relationship
between viewer and image. The power of a picture is in the mind of the