The Digital Journalist

Tribute to Eddie Adams

Eddie Adams
Eddie Adams at the Republican (GOP) Convention, Houston, TX, August 1992.
© Associated Press, All Rights Reserved.
Eddie Adams: The Man & The Myth
My friend Eddie Adams died last month from ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, at his home in New York...
by Dirck Halstead
To War with Eddie Adams
I first heard about Eddie Adams in November 1962...
by Peter Arnett
On "Easy Ed" Adams
Great photographs are created not through a camera but in the photographer's heart and soul.
by Hal Buell
Remembering Eddie Adams
The first time I met Eddie was at a party for David Cohen, one of the creators of "A Day in the Life" projects.
by Alyssa Adams
Remembering Eddie Adams
I was in New York for about a year when, in 1980, Time photographer Ted Thai introduced me to Eddie Adams.
by PF Bentley
The Saigon Execution
Editing film could be a dreary business, but on that day, 36 years ago - the second day of the communist attacks into the very centers of South Vietnam's cities - I felt as though I had won the jackpot of a lottery.
by Horst Faas
The Creeping Threshold
Photojournalist Eddie Adams never just walked into a room, he made an entrance...
by Tad Bartimus
The Adams Family
I was there that afternoon in 1988 when the eager young photojournalists descended on Eddie's farm in upstate New York for the first weekend of the Eddie Adams Workshop.
by Peter Howe
Remembering Eddie Adams
I met Eddie Adams at the Saigon bureau of the Associated Press before Christmas of 1965.
by Pete Hamill
The Compassion of Eddie
The outer door swings open and with all his usual enthusiasm, Eddie Adams of the AP, our next-door neighbor in the Eden Building, cameras hanging everywhere from his neck, bursts into the office and asks where we are going.
by Ron Steinman
Remembering Eddie
When John Durniak took over the photo department of Time magazine, the first three photographers he put under contract were Dirck Halstead, Eddie Adams and myself.
by Bill Pierce
Remembering Eddie
When Eddie Adams' obituary was written, it failed to mention one survivor: his "brother," Nick Ut.
by Nick Ut
View the Eddie Adams Photo Gallery

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