by Denny Simmons
Evansville Courier & Press
Staff Photographer
A couple of weeks
ago I was assigned to cover a funeral. A local soldier, Pvt. Jonathan
Pfender of Evansville, Ind., was killed when an improvised explosive
device detonated near his vehicle in Iraq. He was given a hero's send-off
that rainy day. Besides those who attended the funeral service at The
Centre, about 300 area citizens, many clad in leather jackets and riding
motorcycles showed up to support Pvt. Pfender's family. Many of them
veterans. Many of them not. Nearly all of them were there to remember
a local kid who died while serving his country.
© Denny
Simmons/Evansville Courier & Press
Veterans and motorcycle groups joined together to show their
support for the Army Pvt. Jonathan Pfender's family before his
funeral service at The Centre in Evansville Tuesday morning.

© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Area residents showed their resolve with American flags, motorcycles
and group solidarity when a small group of extremists, upper left,
showed up on Locust Street at the Civic Center Tuesday morning.
Now I said "nearly all of them" were there to support his family. About
a week before the funeral, a Topeka, Kan.-based group, the Westboro Baptist Church,
announced they would be showing up to protest the funeral. The group, labeled
by The Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group, has a past of demonstrating
at gay funerals, but lately the group has taken their message of intolerance
to military funerals. And it doesn't matter to them if the deceased was gay or
not. They have enough hate to go around. Natural disasters? God's punishment.
Victims of war? God's punishment. They're known for displaying thought-provoking
signs at their protests with messages of "God hates fags" or "God
sent the IEDs." |
I suppose I could
go on and on, but I won't. I
just want to give you a feel for the situation I was supposed to document.
My assignment
was to
the funeral. Another photographer, Vincent Pugliese, was assigned the
demonstration, and yet another photographer, Justin Rumbach, was assigned
the graveside
service (although we later found out it was a private service). As
you all know, photographing funerals is a challenge to say the least. You
make pictures, but if you're like me, you are continually dealing with
thoughts like, "how close should I be?" "is my camera
too loud?" "when
is a moment too private?" All of these questions and more were
going through my head throughout the service, but I'm getting ahead
of myself.

© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Peggy Jo Hammond, right, and her husband,
Jeff Hammond, second left, cheered on the Patriot Guard Riders as
they rumbled down Locust Street on their motorcycles Tuesday afternoon.
The group and many others
joined together to show their support before the funeral of Hammond's
son, Army Pvt. Jonathan Pfender who was killed in Iraq Dec. 30, 2005. |
First I had to
meet the mother and stepfather of Pvt. Pfender, Peggy Jo and Jeff Hammond
of Evansville. We had done previous stories on her son and the upcoming
protest, so I was familiar with his and their stories. However, it's
not easy to introduce yourself to a grieving mother only a half-hour
before her son's funeral. She made it easy on me and actually seemed
happy to have me there. I explained what I would like to do and I would
do my best to not be distracting to the people attending the ceremony.
She told me to do whatever I needed to do and I had her permission.
I've gotta say that was a load off my mind, but I still was photographing
a funeral. And although she had given me her blessing, most of the
security (Army and local law enforcement) weren't given that word,
so each time I was stopped, I'd have to find Peggy Jo and she'd give
me the all clear sign and I'd be on my way again |
When I finally got
inside the auditorium it hit me... this was an open casket funeral. Again
the questions started. "Did she mean I should shoot everything, including
her son in his casket?" "Should I shoot around him?" Well,
I hunted down Peggy Jo one more time to ask her. Our newspaper, the Evansville
Courier & Press, normally won't run a picture of a dead body, although
it happens occasionally. I didn't get into that with her, I simply asked
her if I should photograph her son.
© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful" played
as Peggy Jo Hammond visits with her son, Army Pvt. Jonathan Pfender,
22, near
the end of his funeral service at The Centre Tuesday afternoon.
As a child he would often sing the song to her at breakfast. |
She told me
she would prefer I didn't and that was that. I tried to honor her wishes.
I photographed the ceremony with mourners blocking
him in the casket. I used flower arrangements to hide his face. I overexposed
to blow out the inside of the casket. I did my best not to photograph
him. But guess what? I did. It was inadvertent, but I did. Of course,
it was THE picture. I thought so. My editor, Cecelia Hanley, thought
so. The AME/Visuals, Kevin Swank, thought so. And, as I later found
out, the Executive editor, J. Bruce Baumann, also thought so. Unfortunately,
when I brought the image up in Photoshop, I realized I could partially
see Pvt. Pfender's face. When I made the image I thought I had it blocked
out by a fern, but it didn't hide him completely. |
© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Soldiers from Ft. Campbell, Ky., offered their services for the
funeral of Pvt. Jonathan Pfender of Evansville. |
© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Comrades in arms offer a last salute to Army Pvt. Jonathan Pfender
during his funeral service at The Centre in Evansville Tuesday
afternoon. Pvt. Pfender was killed by an Improvised Electronic
Device while serving in Iraq on Dec. 30, 2005 |
© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Members of Army Pvt. Jonathan Pfender's family come together over
his casket at The Centre Tuesday afternoon. |
I called Kevin over to my monitor and told him the same story I just told
you. I told Peggy Jo I wouldn't photograph him in his casket. Kevin and
I agreed we should pick an alternate image (not as good, but workable).
I decided
to try and track her down through the VFW where they were putting on a
dinner for the family and friends of Jonathan. After quite a few hard stares
had my camera on my shoulder) from some folks at the bar after hearing
I was there to see Peggy Jo AND worked for the newspaper, one of the waitresses
offered to escort me into the banquet hall to see her.
She was there with her husband, Jeff Hammond, and about 10 or 15
other folks. Now interrupting her before the funeral was difficult,
but this
was just
plain hard. I began by thanking them again for the honor of covering
their son's funeral. An honor, by the way, nobody else was privy
to. More on
that later. I then told her I had a picture I wanted her to see.
I let her know
it was a picture that might or might not be published, but I wanted
to make sure she was alright with it first. I need to add I never
show my
pictures to my subjects unless it's maybe an ID situation where
there are a million kids and the teacher might help me out with
a name.
But this
time I felt like I had to. Well, I pulled the black-and-white laser
print out
of my coat and handed it to her folded in half. She held it for
a moment before opening it. When she finally did (with my heart
she didn't
say a word, but she began to weep. Jeff, her husband, decided he'd
better take a look at the picture that was upsetting his wife and
leaned over
to get a look at it. This was the moment of truth. He immediately
rose from
his chair while staring me in the eyes and said, "I just want to shake
your hand. Thank you." And he grabbed my hand and we shook.
After that the picture was handed around the group and there were
more tears and stories were started. We talked and they reminisced
about their
boy who
was born to be a soldier. It was during this time they shared with
me something I hadn't known. I was the only photographer they gave
permission to photograph
the funeral that day. And trust me, it wasn't because they knew
my work, I just happened to be working that shift that morning.
It was
another reason.
They trusted us. And by us, I mean the Evansville Courier & Press.
It seems those who did the stories and pictures before me, Bob
Gwaltney, John
Martin, Phil Elliott, John Lucas and Tom Langhorne, did a great
job of building their trust. The Hammonds told me all of them were
and reported
their stories accurately and thoughtfully. Because my colleagues
the previous stories and pictures on Pvt. Pfender's death with
dignity and truthfulness, they earned Peggy Jo and Jeff Hammond's
If not for
those who went before me, the community would have missed out on
Pvt. Jonathan Pfender's big day. The day he was honored as a local
© Denny Simmons/Evansville
Courier & Press
Pvt. Jonathan Pfender's pallbearers transport his remains to the
waiting hearse after his funeral service at The Centre in Evansville. |
Denny Simmons