the future I have been asked why, after 25 years of covering
presidents, I haven't gotten bored with it all.
The answer
is that, no matter how Ronald Reagan approached the office,
this is not show business. The world takes the American president
very seriously.
history of the 20th century tells us that the president of the
United States has been the single most important political leader
in the world. Yes, there are other great leaders, but with the
collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has assumed
the mantle of world leadership. It's important to look closely
at the occupant of the Oval Office. How well - or poorly - that
person grapples with the challenges he or she confronts will
play a large role in determining whether the hopes and dreams
of the world come true.
we can discern from studying the president's face - and his
actions - may offer us an insight into what the future holds
for all.