Enrollment Application
Summer 2003 Advanced Platypus Workshop

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Application Deadline: July 1, 2003

Enroll me in the Advanced Platypus Workshop for (check one):

________Participant: ($1,250) - Enrollment is limited to 20. All participants will works in teams with the Shoot and Edit people, and will participate in all of the shooting exercises, critiques and editing sessions.

________Student: ($500) - Enrollment is limited to 20. All participants will works in teams with the Shoot and Edit people, and will participate in all of the shooting exercises, critiques and editing sessions.

Tuition fees are fully refundable except for cancellation without notice.



Home Address:_______________________________


Email Address:________________________________

Home Phone:______________Work:______________

Credit Card (Visa/MC):__________________________


FAX or MAIL your completed application and
check or money order, in US dollars, to:

Brooks Institute of Photography
Platypus Workshop
801 Alston Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Fax 805-564-4618