Steve Elm of Montana, pilot for the Red Baron Stearman Squadron, is seen flying upside down during a loop maneuver over the border of Morris and Essex Counties during a flight out of Essex County Airport in Fairfield.

JERRY MCCREA: "A difficult shot for me to make for a number of reasons... holding the camera exposed above the tiny windshield in a 125mph wind, pointed behind me (without looking) at the pilot. When beginning the loop maneuver the gravity forces sent the camera hurtling instantly into my lap because the camera suddenly had an spontaneous weight of (what seemed like) 300 lbs. and I cringed with nausea as my stomach seemed to travel as far as the camera.. I recomposed myself for the second loop, and lifting the camera again above the windshield like I was pressing a 300 pound barbell, I raised the camera slowly and made the photo.

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