The Digital Journalist asked New York Times Picture editor Margaret O'Connor to provide us with a selection of some of her favorite photographs. From veteran Times' photographers Fred Conrad and Suzanne De Chillo to some of the newer kids on the block, Vincent Laforet, and Ting-Li Wang, the photographs represent a visual esthetic rendering of "all the news that's fit to print."

Conrad's exquisite 8 x 10 studio portrait of Tegla Laroupe, Vince Laforet's photograph of a foggy Coney Island Beach on July 4th, Stephen Crowley's photo of Governor Bush's campaign stop in Grinnell Iowa, James Hill's photograph of a Chechen woman returning to her home in Grozny, and Suzanne DeChillo's slice of life picture of "6 year old campers catching and releasing frogs, damsel dragonfly nymphs and fish," are just some of the visual eye candy represented here.

Susan B. Markisz
September 1, 2001

Workers Deke Johnson and Tom Sullivan perform maintenance on the antenna of the Empire State Building on January 13, 2000.

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