My Dad and I,
International Center of Photography,
New York City, November, 1990

I suppose everyone has a moment in their lives they wish could 'stay'. This would be mine. I'm with my dad at an opening of my work at the International Center of Photography in Manhattan. My dad is the guest of honor. I've asked him to stand. The applause makes him emotional and to keep from crying myself I grip his shoulder, smile and look down. We are a long way from our tiny darkroom in Sylvania, Ohio.

The title "Stay This Moment" is drawn from a diary entry of Virginia Woolf written on New Year's eve 1932. She writes "If one does not lie back and sum up and say to the moment, this very moment, stay you are so fair, what will be one's gain, dying? No: stay this moment. No one ever says that enough."
But photographers say it when they make a heartfelt photograph, as this one by my friend David Alan Harvey proves.


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