APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS... unless you live in the South

by Timothy C. "T.C." Baker
Staff Photographer
Victoria Advocate
Victoria, TX

As the rest of the you are still weathering winter, many areas in the south are showing early signs of spring, possibly a bit earlier than "normal."
It is always a challenge to work assignments this time of year with everyone gearing up for spring, expecting vibrant, colorful blooms with blue sky backgrounds. Sometimes this is not an easy task if Old Man Winter just won't let go. Even here in the south, spring can come late.

This year however, that hasn't been the case. Evergreen pear trees were
blooming in February. Saucer magnolias began flowering in late-February and early-March. Redbud sprays followed suit in mid-March. And now wildflower season is right around the corner. As a matter of fact, by the time you are reading this journal entry, I'll be out driving the highways of South Texas in search of oceans of bluebonnets blanketing pasturelands, dotted with Indian paintbrushes.

It is still early enough for me to enjoy the season, but sooner than later, I'll will be dreading the calls from readers and editors with suggestions of where our next flower photos should be taken. But it won't be long until the flowers succumb the South Texas heat and I'll be out looking for pictures of
parched ground and dusty fields. Guess I should enjoy the color while it

Spring is in the Air - February 17, 2004 - Although spring hasn't officially begun, many ornamental trees in the Crossroads area are blooming like mad such as this Saucer Magnolia on Wheeler St.
© Advocate Staff Photographer T.C. Baker

Lanceleaf Coreopsis - Coreopsis lanceolata Compositae The Lance-leafed Coreopsis, is also known as Tickseed and Goldenwave. Its usual height is 1.5 to 2 feet. They are yellow with a yellow center and 2-3 inches in diameter. The range is along roadsides, prairies, and edge of
woods in East and Southeast Texas. It can also be found in most of central, midwestern, and southeastern United States and northern Mexico.
© Advocate Staff Photographer T.C. Baker

Lupinus texensis, the favorite of tourists and artists, provides the blue spring carpet of Central Texas. It is widely known as THE Texas bluebonnet. It has pointed leaflets, the flowering stalk is tipped with white and hits its peak bloom in late March and early April.
© Advocate Staff Photographer T.C. Baker

Gardening Page - March 10, 2004 - Blooming kaffir lilly provided by a local nursery for a gardening page feature.
© Advocate Staff Photographer T.C. Baker


Timothy C. "T.C." Baker
Staff Photographer
Victoria Advocate
Victoria, TX
NPPA National Secretary/Executive Committee Member




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