"I was doing landscaping and lawn service in North Miami with my father-in-law. I loved it. Now I like being with the kids and my wife. I try to be with them always. But the big one likes school and the little one stays behind. I take them both with me and my wife to the Veterans Hospital.
There is not that much I can do now because if I do it and I fall, and I hit my head, it will cause for it to move my brain and the metal I have back here will move. My head doesn't let me work, plus my arm.
I joined the guard for the money and I liked putting on the uniform.
It was in Jordan I landed and there was, how can I say, it was my destiny and I felt inside me empty because my wife wasn't there, but I knew I had to do it.
I was happy Saddam was caught because my guys will come back soon."
Summer Adams, John's wife:
"He can't run. We can't let him run. We can't let him risk falling. He needs a lot of sleep because the medication makes him very drowsy. He's on medication for seizures, mood swings and depression.
He has metal in the right lower quadrant of the brain. He had a lot of rock and shrapnel that came on the side of his face and he has several entry and exit wounds in the arm which damaged nerves and tendons. And then the mental issue."
Sgt. John Quincy Adams, 37, A Reservist with the Florida National Guard, 124th Infantry, was on patrol in Ramadi August 29, 2003 when a remote controlled bomb exploded under his humvee sending shrapnel into his head and body leaving him brain damaged. Photographed at Home and with his wife Summer, in Miramar, Florida, December 18, 2003.