July 2005
Joyce Lin/ Photojournalism Intern/ Delaware News Journal/ New Castle, Delaware
(Note: most of the described feelings and circumstances
have changed since this was written, since work circumstances
changed by the time I finished writing this (therefore changed
even more by the time you read this, one month later: I now have
a new photography director, who is wonderful, and much is changing—which
I may write more about next month)
My summer
photojournalism internship lasts 13 weeks and is whizzing by,
everyday crammed with wonderful activities and new adventures,
a satisfying reality of newspaper photography: everything from
humdrum talking-head and building photos to exciting event-photography,
spot news, and features hunting. I like how they treat me as a
staff photographer, because it lets me taste the job’s reality,
helping me conclude, “Yeah, this is what I wanna do!” However,
there hasn’t been as much critique of my photos as I would
prefer; no one has time |
© The
News Journal/Joyce Lin
Icecream Stack-up Contest, what most consider the highlight of the Festival. |
photography (almost always fun to shoot, since there’s
so many people crammed into one area, just waiting
to be photographed) |
love shadowing other photographers, getting to know them
beyond their working selves, and watching them work.
I try to figure
out what they’re thinking while they’re the amazing
fly-on-the-wall, strolling about nonchalantly shooting, then
returning with awesome images. All of the photographers that
I’ve shadowed thus far started as freelancers, later
moving on to become staff-photographers. Freelancing intimidates
me, because I know next-to-nothing about it, and it seems extremely
difficult and competitive. More competitive than freelancing,
however, is landing a staff photographer position at a paper,
especially with the gradual decline of newspapers. The younger
photographers usually work harder than the older photographers,
who have already been through their heyday and chill in a semi-retired
state, doing whatever makes them happy while commanding a certain
respect and the power to “call in sick” or make
negating suggestions when called to do a lame assignment. The
younger photographers are still hustling, sending photos to
the Associated Press, looking for freelance opportunities outside
of the newspaper, etc. “That’s gonna be me after
graduation,” I think to myself, delighted yet scared
by the thought. |
© The
News Journal/Joyce Lin
People comment about the Dupont chemical waste plant as it spews toxic
fumes into the air. |
(usually quite boring and time-consuming, riding out with
writers) |

© The
News Journal/Joyce Lin
The new Reginald F. Lewis
Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture. |
section (typically interesting with nice big picture-packages) |
Around week two, I made
the mistake of calling an editor too late. At 3 AM, I realized I wouldn’t
be able to make the next day’s assignment,
and stupidly assumed that she would leave her phone off at night, then check
her voicemail in the morning. I was dead wrong; my call woke up her whole household,
and she totally chewed me out on the phone. After a terrible shooting day,
feeling disoriented by the new environment, and then faced by an angry temp-editor,
I totally broke down. “What am I doing here?” I screamed in my
mind, absolutely losing it.
newspaper is surprisingly tight-knit, much like my smaller
college daily. Almost everyone knows each other and we all
work together rather nicely,
joking around familiarly, getting things done efficiently, etc. Here, people
are not afraid to be brutally direct, because everyone is rushing towards
a deadline and there’s no time for roundabout pleasantries or politeness.
News and gossip travels fast in the newsroom, so everyone seems to know about
the phone-incident, which is rather embarrassing. Nonetheless, it’s
nice when random people come up to me, introduce themselves, and ask how
I am, how I’m adjusting, are they treating me well, etc. Working both
days and nights, I think I prefer the night, because there’s less people
in the office so there’s more of a chance to get to know everyone.
During the day, the office is stuffed with people bustling about wide-eyed
on caffeine and deadline. They jokingly ask, “Have you figured out
why not to enter this profession yet?” and I question whether they
truly hate their jobs, expect me to hate the job, or don’t want me
there. “It takes a special kind of person to like this job,” answered
an editor, “and a special sort of talent,” referring to working
in this newsy field. I’m interested in learning about every aspect
of the newsroom, and am having trouble screwing up enough courage to approach
a busy person I don’t know that well and go, “Hi! I’m The
Photo Intern! Can you spare an hour or two to teach me what you do, just
so I can add to my knowledge bank?” I expect people to be either pleased
that I’m interested or annoyed because nobody has time. (I’ve
already tried to get the video people to teach me their editing ways, but
they haven’t “found time” yet. I guess I could just observe
people and pop in questions while they’re working, but that’s
rather uncomfortable, too.) But happy to say, I haven’t broke down
again, and call editors in semi normal hours. I’m becoming more confident
with editing my own work and being assertive both in the newsroom and out
in the field, and am trying to confront my fears and address my inadequacies.
I’ve found a daily cycle of waking, exercising, spending the whole
day out shooting, finishing up at the office around 12-1 AM, then coming
home exhausted to paint, read, then fall asleep. I’m really enjoying
my shoots, except for the lame zero-creativity photos that we’re required
to do, such as buildings or headshot. (I especially disliked driving out
an hour to some random nowhere for a dry 5-minute building shot). My favorite
assignments are larger projects where they run more than one photograph,
and I address a broad topic, attacking it as I see fit, with a relatively
loose deadline. (My favorite assignment so far: going to two state parks
in a quest for people interacting with the environment. I definitely prefer
shooting outside to inside; the freedom to roam and explore is fantastic). |

© The News
Journal/Joyce Lin
Governor's Day at the Harrington Raceway with
harness racing. |
Sports (the usual fun-times) |

© The News
Journal/Joyce Lin
Valerie Rose Rood, 7 years
old, of Boothwind, PA, is an avid Harry Potter
fan |
Environmental portraits
(challenging, quick, fun)

© The News
Journal/Joyce Lin
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard, where a paratransit
bus forgot to pick up a 65-year-old woman. |
scene-setting photos (boring, like house-photos) |
© The News
Journal/Joyce Lin
Shahriar Pasdar, General Manager of The Spencer Hotel (used to be Wyndham
Hotel) |
(zzz. Newspaper headshots aren’t like commercial
head-shots; it’s just the quick-and-dirty
dealio) |

© The News Journal/Joyce
Children frolic under the I-95 freeway on rainy Saturday
July 16, 2005 afternoon. |
Rainy-day feature photo (Such
challenging wonderful fun to shoot!) |

© The News Journal/Joyce
TMA Rideshare Promotion items. |
Product photography
(only lighting, nothing else challenging; set-up for designers) |
Another tentative
then rejected photo-essay (something else I work on during
my off-time; I quit this essay because I figured out
I wasn’t identifying with my subjects, couldn’t
find anything to focus on, and time was running out) |
What I shoot
whenever I get a chance: still trying to keep with my
APAH (a photo an hour) agenda (and failing miserably,
but still trying) |

© Joyce Lin |
If I get home
before dark, I like to do nature photography. |
During my off time,
I look at photography books, make and edit photos, and explore
the area by bike, foot, and car. I really want to do a photo
essay, but don’t have any workable ideas. I’d like
to explore drug addiction and the crime scene in Wilmington,
Delaware and somehow improve things (or at least expose them)
through the essay, but I’m highly intimidated by druggies;
I don’t think I could approach them alone. However, I
couldn’t drag a writer with me, because I like to take
my time and wait for the moment; having a writer staring holes
into my back just kills my energy and makes me self-conscious.
So, whatever sort of photo essay I end up pursuing, I’ll
have to do it myself. I’ll either have to chuck the druggie-Wilmington
idea or overcome my fears (fears that are quite logical, since
I am a tiny female carrying expensive camera equipment through
deadly territory. Shouldn’t I be afraid? Joachim Ladefoged
and his photo essays on Russian gypsies, the homeless, and
other people on the periphery of civilization, living far from
the norm, inspire me. War photographers who risk their lives
to show the world what’s going on further inspire me.
What is a life without risk, truly?) |
Driving sucks. It’s
probably one of the only things that I really dislike about this
job and something vastly different from college, where almost
all of the assignments took place on or around campus, as opposed to driving
here. I’ve sort of gotten used to it, and my car is my second home,
with food, camera equipment, extra clothes and shoes, a stack of maps, and
a bike. I’ve learned to frequently consult a map, pulling over often
to check where I am and frantically calling around when lost, leaving at
least half an hour early for assignments, in case of getting lost or encountering
traffic (and sometimes still being late), and calling subjects in advance.
Photo-editing also sucks. At college, we would just upload the images, tag
our favorites, and then the editors would choose what they wanted. However,
here, we pick a selection of images, edit as we please, then drop it into
the shared archives for the rest of the newsroom to utilize. I dislike sitting
at the desk for long hours editing, although it’s a necessary (albeit
painful) part of the job, like driving (anything involving sitting still is
painful for me, which is why I love photojournalism and jumping around the
area, and hopefully someday jigging around the world, making photos). However,
I feel like we are just used by everyone else just to get images! We really
get no power beyond choosing which image we’d like to use (and even that
is superceded by others; if the writer, editor, or copy-desk doesn’t
like that photo, then they can demand a different photo), while copy-desk butchers
photo cropping and printing’s color-management muddles the colors. I’d
like to say that photos are the most important part of the paper, because pretty
graphics attract people to look at the paper while blocks of gray text, no
matter how beautifully arranged or edited, won’t. I realize, however,
that the newspaper is a giant collaborative act of teamwork that miraculously
comes together each day; one can’t really say that one department is
better or more important than the next. I only wish that we could work together
better with fairer compromises and interaction so that everyone gets the best
of their department, resulting in the best paper ever. Nonetheless, that’s
just a desire that rarely materializes into real life, since the paper’s
daily demands are so time-consuming and draining, leaving little time for
reform, or even thoughts of change.
Learning names is an impossible pain. Everyone seems to know my name and that
I am the photo-intern, but I know very few names beyond the photo-department,
although I recognize faces and talk to other newsroom workers, too. Is there
any graceful way to ask someone what his or her name is, after about 5 weeks
of work?
It’s wonderful seeing people from one shoot appearing at another shoot;
I usually don’t remember the people, but they remember me, and it’s
really sweet when they come over, ask how I am, etc. I hate people noticing
me with my camera equipment and making obtuse comments. “Nice lens you
got there,” commented some random guy, “what is it?” “It’s
an 80-200,” I reply. “Oh…” he answers, obviously clueless.
Or, “Take a picture of me!” shouts a man, loudly burping and gesticulating
with his beer. Um… no. (Though I plan to start a collection of photos
of such “shoot me!” people, just as a funny project to pacify myself.)
There’s something different about children, though, something cute and
innocently sweet about how they get excited about the camera. Some kids I was
photographing for a rainy-day feature were delighted when I let them look through
the viewfinder, ecstatic to gaze through the long glass and see things so close,
then through the wide-angle and see things stretched far again; even more thrilled
by clicking the shutter then seeing what was before them reproduced in less
than a second on the camera’s back. Photographing and interacting with
these children remind me of when I first started making photos and how magical
it used to be to just pick up the camera and make images, how I was so amazed
when I first started working with black and white in the darkroom with empty
paper coming to life through lights and chemicals, etc. Maybe I should go back
to film and darkrooms for a while. I think I’ve started taking some things
for granted, such as the split-second quickness of the digital camera, the
convenience of shooting on automatic mode, etc. I’ve forgotten the importance
of every single image, of trying my best to take each image outside of the
box. Sometimes, I’ve been so tired and cynical that I’ve been satisfied
with just taking a picture, as opposed to making a photograph, and being okay
with getting something “usable,” but not “amazing.” I
need to start striving for the awesome once more, to take my assignments beyond
what’s assigned, and to truly live life fully as a privileged photojournalist,
to show others the world through my own eyes. I’m hoping that by the
end of the summer, not only will I learn a lot more, but I will also grow
as a photographer and person.
Joyce Lin
See Joyce's photo-blog for more on her internship: