The Digital Journalist
To Die at Your Children's Wedding
Wednesday, Nov. 9: Four Iraqi suicide bombers - three men and a woman connected with the Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Al-Qaida leader in Iraq - walked into three different western hotels in Amman, Jordan, wearing belts packed with explosives and steel balls and blew themselves up, killing 59 people and wounding hundreds of others.
by Marco Di Lauro
The Amazon Drought
While I'm thinking that the photo business has been kind of slow for the last two weeks, a short e-mail from Greenpeace changes it all.
by Daniel Beltrá
The Widows of Djuail
This October I set out to photograph the widows of Dujail, a series of simple portraits of the women left behind after Saddam Hussein's forces rounded up their fathers, husbands and sons in retaliation for a 1982 assassination attempt against him.
by John Moore
13 Hurricanes, a Book and a Broken Nose
"Your face is covered in blood," says United States Navy Petty Officer John Gulizia.
by Jim Reed


This month in "Dispatches" we look at a striking set of portraits. In John Moore's "Widows of Dujail," the photographer presents a timely look at those left behind when the men in their lives were killed by Saddam Hussein's troops. Their stark dignity and courage bring another perspective to the war in Iraq.

Marco Di Lauro explores terrorism of another sort in "To Die at Your Children's Wedding." In his dispatch we encounter a shattered family and protestors in Amman, Jordan.

Daniel Beltra contributes disturbing images of a catastrophic drought in Brazil's Amazon. Miles of dry, cracked earth obliterate lakes and the lives of all who live there.

"Dispatches" brings the work of many photojournalists to the fore that express themselves in styles appropriate to the subjects. If you would like to contribute to The Digital Journalist, please send me your ideas.

In "Update" Jim Reed revisits the subject of Hurricane Katrina. He presents his new book and thoughts on an unprecedented American storm season.

Marianne Fulton
Senior Editor

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