Jenny Cray at Connor's Nursery, West Palm
Beach, Florida.
Choosing Love
Nursery provides short- and long-term care as well as respite care for
up to twenty infants and children with HIV/AIDS. Established
in 1990, Connor's Nursery "provides these special children with the very
best quality of life possible and, above all, offers the necessary support
to keep the family together."
Some of the children
are born with AIDS. Some have a crack or heroin or cocaine addiction at
birth. Some are transferred from the hospital, brought in by hopeless mothers,
some simply abandoned. The children are, in every sense of the word, "the
community's babies." They belong to us. They are the consequence for our
values and policies, the children who pay the cost of our indifference.
They are, while they live, if they live, living indictments. Seeing them,
we should feel less pity and more guilt.