A bulletin came on the radio about a community-wide service getting
ready to start on the square in Glasgow, KY, about 45 minutes away,
so I decided to head over and check it out. These women clutched
candles and lighters, wore crosses and red-white-and-blue-ribbons.
They prayed for our country and for countless victims of terror
they'll never even know. The youngest fought back tears. It was
a very moving scene in a place far removed from the chaos of Ground
Zero, but connected nonetheless.
I grabbed one last parting shot on the way back to my car: three
anonymous, almost ghostly, mourners, still carrying lit, glowing
candles as they left the square. Their heads were slightly bowed,
their step less than lively. The faceless cowards who wrought havoc
in our land on Sept. 11, 2001 are still in hiding. They may have
brought down our tallest buildings and killed thousands of innocent
people, but their primary mission failed and they know it. They
failed because the torches of liberty carried in the hearts, minds
and souls of all Americans still burn on. |

David Swanson,
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
What I remember was the quiet. Hands raised, diesel engines would
flutter to a stop, and for a minute, ground zero was as quiet
as a church. However, no voices were heard in the grotesque pile.
All hell broke loose as the first building collapsed. I found myself
on Broadway, with my back to the wall of an office building. The
sound was indescribable and suddenly huge clouds of black smoke
came billowing out of the side streets just like a sci-fi movie.
I started to run but was overtaken by a swirling rain of suffocating
ash. I couldn't see a thing so I stood still, put my bandana over
my nose and mouth, and prayed. I could taste the ash, which had
dried out my throat, and I resolved to not die here today. It became
completely silent and dark, and I remember thinking that this is
how the world ends. |
Wamsteker, freelance photojouranlist:
The original intention of Union Square was to a establish a place
where people could talk about the issues of the day, debate, and
philosophize. On this day, people were taking a step back in time,
and using the square for just that. This event had impacted their
lives in such a powerful way that it wasn't enough to just passively
watch it on television and see it in the newspapers. People felt
compelled to get in touch with each other in a forum. It was amazing
to see life go on in such a routine way after such a devastating
event. I was astonished to see people going on and dealing with
their fears. Human beings have this built in inertia called the
human spirit, that just keeps them going no matter what the circumstances. |