To watch these video clips, you will need
the Free Real Player or Quicktime Player.

Stanmeyer and Boulat on the founding of the VII agency.
Ashley Woods: "Everything will be online to a very high quality..."
Nachtwey: "The dynamic among us is very good..."
Morris: "The seven of us are strong, we're constantly producing stories."
Kratochvil: "We don't feel that we are elite..."
Stanmeyer: "Seven is really about ... keeping it as pure as it can be."
Knight: "The seven of us are stronger together..."
Haviv: "I needed to take responsibility for myself..."

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See the Video Interviews
Seven by VII:
Alexandra Boulat | Ron Haviv | Gary Knight
Antonin Kratochvil
| Christopher Morris
James Nachtwey
| John Stanmeyer

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