The Digital Journalist
February 2005

by Beverly Spicer

Talent comes in many forms, and this month's E-Bits gives testimony to that fact. A great performance can be the result of years of effort and precision training, evidence of which you will see below. In our first selection, the artiste gives a delightful and fascinating rendition of works by Beethoven, Vivaldi and Strauss to a highly appreciative audience. How he developed his talent staggers the imagination, but we're glad he did, and you'll agree he is gifted in more ways than one. Although we don't know his name, we know he speaks French, but this clip of his performance appears on an Icelandic Web site, The Icelandic language is a mystery to us, but we did manage to find out that Besta Hljómsveit means "Best Orchestra." A best orchestra this gentleman is, definitely a one-man-show worth watching. Click on the photos below and the hugi site will direct you to a video clip of this amusing, honking maestro playing musique classique fantastique!
Circuses have always known that people are not the only talented beings around, and collaborations between animal trainer and trainee often provide fascinating entertainment. In this case, it is woman and dog that engage in one of the most amazing dance routines we've ever seen. Again, we'd like to know the names of these two, so if anyone knows, let us hear from you. Get ready for something you've likely never seen before in the following video clip.

Speaking of phenomenal dance routines, the next clip show that hidden talents can surface in surprising ways and are often offered spontaneously in an unexpected venue. This is definitely one of those times. Check out the following Reno 911 incident between a state trooper and a not-so-poor fellow who was stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence. We think he should have been charged not only with DUI but also with PAT, possession of amazing talent. Even the trooper would agree.

Finally, we present a small gallery of photos that arrived by e-mail labeled "When Digital Photographers Get Bored." Some rather exquisite photographs in their own right have been digitally manipulated in interesting and humorous ways, showing that boredom never need be an issue, especially for you freelancers waiting for the phone to ring for that next assignment. We think more information about these photos and digital competitions can be found at Click on these rockin' & rollin' pandas for more digitally-enhanced creations.

We're into our coldest month here in North America, and even in Texas we're feeling the chill. As we proceed into 2005, those of you around the globe who are experiencing the comfort of summertime, please join us in an embrace to the whole world and the hope of peaceful and good times ahead. Don't forget the tsunami survivors, the war-torn and famine-affected areas, and if possible, if you've not yet done so, give however generously you can to the charity of your choice.

Have a fantastic February!

© Beverly Spicer

Beverly Spicer is a writer, photojournalist, and cartoonist, who faithfully chronicled The International Photo Congresses in Rockport, Maine, from 1987 to 1991. Her book, THE KA'BAH: RHYTHMS OF CULTURE, FAITH AND PHYSIOLOGY, was published in 2003 by University Press of America. She lives in Austin.

The links that appear in this column are from the World Wide Web. Credit is given where the creator is known. The Digital Journalist and the author claim no copyright ownership of any video or photographic materials that appear herein.