Dispatches: Notes from the field - Supported by Canon
Dispatches: Notes from the Field
For July we have four dispatches: Roshan Norouzi tells the story of the Iranian election campaigns; Derek Henry Flood was in Los Angeles when Michael Jackson's death was announced; Tim Matsui provides a window into his documentary work on the global nature of human trafficking, and on the island of Malta Marios Stavrou reports on the influx of Africans arriving in dangerous, overcrowded boats.
by Marianne Fulton
E-Bits: The Human Condition Cyberwars Have Begun
June 2009 was a big month. Two vastly different but related events captured my attention. The first was the annual LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph held in Charlottesville, Va., June 11-13, a powerful and sophisticated celebration of photographic images from around the world. The second was the cascade of unfolding events following the Iranian elections on June 12. Fateful days these were, in June. more>>
by Beverly Spicer
- The Drowning Pool
Journalism is not quite a blood sport, but in the right hands or the wrong hands, depending on your point of view, it is very competitive.
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by Ron Steinman
Photo Journalism
- Nuts & Bolts
I've noticed there are a lot of things in my gadget bag (excuse me, camera bag) that really are gadgets.
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by Bill Pierce
- Tech Tips
I'm wondering what the attitude at Canon is regarding the so-called megapixel race.
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by Chuck Westfall
- Common Cents: The 'Cheap' Trick
In a down market, one of the toughest things to do is resist the pressure to lower your prices. In fact, it makes sense that if your potential clients are hurting, you'll gain their favor by dropping your rates.
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by Mark Loundy
- The Reporter's Life: No Place Like Home
In February, The New York Times carried an article with this lead sentence, "After Thursday Liz Smith will not have a home in a New York City tabloid for the first time in 33 years."
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by Eileen Douglas
Letter from the Publisher
Camera Corner
- The Leica M8.2 Experience
I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not only four months into my fourth look at the latest digital Leica M camera. I'm referring to this year's new Leica M8.2.
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by David Lykes Keenan
- Resetting Book Publishing
Photojournalist Rick Smolan has always taken the path less traveled and is known for using cutting edge technology to tell compelling stories and to feature the work of his friends and peers in the photography world.
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by Dirck Halstead
For the tenth anniversary of Ron Steinman's book, "The Soldiers' Story," Barnes &
Noble is republishing it in its highly respected "Barnes & Noble Rediscover" series. The
book is available online and in Barnes & Noble bookstores.
by Ron Steinman
Moments In Time by Dirck Halstead
Local Media in a Postmodern World
- Using Free to Sell Paid
There is a misconception in the world of journalism that news has only one definition — one set of rules and guidelines — and that the demand for news, therefore, is limited to what those rules and guidelines can produce.
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by Terry Heaton