Photograph by Martin Lueders 
 Seventeen-year-old "MAS" was captured by RENAMO at the age of 10 and forced to fight for several years before escaping, after which his family was traced and he was reunified to his village of Josina Machal Island. He still has "very bad memories," but is learning to forget the past. He works in his village making bricks and delivering well water to homes
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Mozambique endured a 12-year civil war from 1980 to 1992 between FRELIMO (government forces) and RENAMO (guerilla forces). This war was infamous for its violence and brutality: 1 million of Mozambique's 16 million inhabitants were victims of the war, most of the casualties were inflicted upon civilians, and 5.5 million people were forced to leave their villages to seek refuge in towns, cities, and neighboring countries. More than 250,000 children are thought to have been separated from their families.

USAID supported Save the Children Federation, to help reunite families and children and to help in their readjustment to post-war life.

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