June 2009, Issue 140
June 2009 Features - 1 of 2 
  • Dispatches: Notes from the field - Supported by Canon

    • Dispatches: Notes from the Field
      For June three dispatches, Justin Mott met and continues to visit a young blind girl who has multiple disabilities in Friendship Village outside Hanoi. Sean Gallagher pursues his exploration of social and environmental issues in Asia. In Baghdad again, Chris Hondros has a couple of comic exchanges with his driver and takes a train ride. more>>
  • E-Bits

    • E-Bits: Everybody Knows
      Like the fresh, exuberant display of a young bird in flight, fledgling Obama in his initial days as president reversed some of the more egregious policies of the Bush administration. more>>
  • Remembering

    • Hugh Van Es: R.I. in f*****g P.
      When we heard that our best friend, Hugh van Es, had gone to hospital after suffering a huge cerebral hemorrhage, we were in Amsterdam – where Hugh had first worked as a news photographer back in 1959. We promptly went to one of his favorite 'brown cafés' to think through what it all meant. more >>
  • Photo Journalism

    • Tech Tips
      Is there a firmware update coming for manual video control on the EOS 5D Mark II? more >>
    • The Reporter's Life:
      So You Want To Be a Journalist

      You would think with all the journalists losing their jobs, being tossed out of the game or scrambling to find work, there'd be no one new wanting to come into the pipeline. Not necessarily true, I discover. more >>
    • Common Cents:

      The first thing you want to do with a potential customer is piss them off. At least that's the philosophy some photographers follow on their Web sites. more >>
    • We're Just Sayin':
      A Hardware Lament

      One of the greatest ironies of the last photographic decade, and there are any number of them, has to do with the treatment of some great cameras. Anyone under 25 probably has no idea what the hell I'm talking about. more >>
  • PR Boot Camp for Photogs

    • Fast Track to Fame
      Despite the vast opportunity for photographers to gain widespread exposure on the Internet, through social networking sites like Facebook and with just old-fashioned word-of-mouth, it seems that getting a photographer's work in front of potential buyers is increasingly difficult. more >>
  • Camera Corner

    • Nikon D3x: A Review
      I've had the opportunity to play with Nikon's new flagship DSLR for the last month or so and for what it's worth, here's my opinion. more >>
    • Goodies to Go With Your Canon 5D Mark II
      Although Canon had no major new products to show at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show last month, there was a lot of activity in other booths, as third-party manufacturers hustled to get aboard the 5D Mark II bus. more >>
  • Essays

    • Let Me Count the Ways, If Possible
      Look at journalism today. Look hard. Though much of what is taking place is apparent, if you blink, you will miss some of what is happening. Newspapers are closing. Others are failing and will also probably close. more >>
  • Books

    • Moments In Time
      by Dirck Halstead
  • Video Journalism

    • 85 and Still Kicking
      The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies holds the Guinness record for being the oldest professional chorus line in the world, and one of its performers, Dorothy Dale Kloss, holds the record—at age 85—for being the oldest “still-performing showgirl.” more>>
    • Faces of D - Day
      David Burnett and Time have put together a timely tribute to those veterans of D-Day who fought on the beaches of Normandy 65 years ago. more>>
  • Announcements

  • Local Media in a Postmodern World

    • We Don't Need No Stage!
      As a child growing up in Michigan in the 1950s, our telephone was connected to elaborate circuitry known as switchboards. The "operator" connected circuits as calls were made, and the technology to automate all that was just coming into being. These operators were often featured in television shows and films of the period, and they were just an accepted part of life. more >>
  • Assignment Sheet

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