View from the Photo Desk: Q&A with photographer Ernesto BazanI believe my work is about searching out my lost childhood wherever I go. The strong connection with Cuba stems from this hungry search.
by Roger Richards
Nuts & Bolts: Dave, the DogLongtime readers of this column have met Timothy, Gulliver, Marilyn and Dave -- the dogs that have been companions and test subjects since we first started photographing.
by Bill Pierce
This Strange CraftTwenty-four years ago last November David Burnett and I were working alongside each other in Washington, photographing Jimmy Carter as he made the concession speech that marked the end of his flawed presidency.
by Peter Howe
A Letter from Central AmericaMy cameras are magical. They protect me from harm and major life catastrophes.
by James Colburn
Assignment SheetJournals by Mark Neuling and Dick Kraus