The Digital Journalist
January 2005, Issue 87  [ RSS ]
January Dispatches: Notes from the Field
Tidal wave, Ukrainian rumbles, year end rambles
View from the Photo Desk: Q&A with photographer Ernesto Bazan
I believe my work is about searching out my lost childhood wherever I go. The strong connection with Cuba stems from this hungry search.
by Roger Richards
Nuts & Bolts: Dave, the Dog
Longtime readers of this column have met Timothy, Gulliver, Marilyn and Dave -- the dogs that have been companions and test subjects since we first started photographing.
by Bill Pierce
This Strange Craft
Twenty-four years ago last November David Burnett and I were working alongside each other in Washington, photographing Jimmy Carter as he made the concession speech that marked the end of his flawed presidency.
by Peter Howe
A Letter from Central America
My cameras are magical. They protect me from harm and major life catastrophes.
by James Colburn
Assignment Sheet
Journals by Mark Neuling and Dick Kraus
No matter who we are or what we believe, the week between Christmas and New Year's Day is generally a time for reflection as we find ourselves in the last week of the year.
by Beverly Spicer

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Letter from the Publisher
Welcome to the January 2005 issue of the Digital Journalist, the monthly online magazine for visual journalism.
by Dirck Halstead
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With Nixon in China: A Memoir
In July of 1971, while Nixon was summering in San Clemente, a bombshell went off.
by Dirck Halstead
Announcing the 2005 Platypus Workshop
February 26-March 6, 2005, Brooks Institute of Photography, Ventura, CA
Camera Corner
There's been a recent development on the DV front that I believe is beyond evolutionary. It is downright revolutionary. And that is the introduction of high definition miniDV.
by Steven Trent Smith
Twenty-One Minutes - Part 1
Tom Brokaw is gone. Dan Rather follows in March. Will Peter Jennings be far behind? Should we care?
by Ron Steinman
TV News in a Postmodern World: 2005: A Year of Trouble for Broadcasters
2005 will be the most important and difficult year in the history of local broadcasting, and by year's end, the landscape could well be littered with the corpses of those who hung on too long.
by Terry Heaton

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