Photograph by Fred Maroon

The Nixon Years

President Nixon with (left-right)
John D. Ehrlichman, Dr. Henry A.
Kissinger, and  H. R. Haldeman, in
the Oval Office of the White House.
February 10, 1971.

RealAudio: Shooting
inside "the Berlin Wall"

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You can never pose this sort of picture.  But when you catch the President in the company of men with whom he feels comfortable, he will relax for the camera.  He was very much at ease this particular morning.  Although I thought I had the picture I wanted, I kept snapping away.  I never knew when the President might signal his receptionist that my time was up, and I had waited months for this opportunity.  It is surprising how the adrenaline builds up as you get nearer and nearer to the Oval Office.  I would often watch     others go in, as I waited outside, and I knew it must be building for them, too.  And then your turn comes.  It's like no other experience. 

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