The Digital Journalist
August 2006, Issue 106 [RSS]
Dispatches: Notes from the Field
This month Dispatches is part of our feature, 'Through the Eyes of the Beholder.'

Return to Arles
Arles is the mother of all photography festivals. It was founded 37 years ago by photographer Lucien Clergue and two other Arlesiens.
by John G. Morris
Talk Is Cheap
Telling stories through words and pictures is fast entering the dustbin of TV journalism. Because of this, I believe we are witnessing the death of storytelling in television news.
by Ron Steinman
The Death of a Fighter - Catherine Leroy, 1944 – 2006
The first thing you noticed about her was how small she was and how frail she looked. The second thing you noticed was that she was never still.
by Peter Howe
Ethics: Time for a New Angle
Sex predators...children...Internet chat rooms...stakeouts...hidden cameras…busts. All the makings of compelling television news stories.
by Karen Slattery and Mark Doremus
TV News in a Postmodern World: The Real Threat to Local Broadcasters
Fresh from an encouraging meeting of the Television Bureau of Advertising in New York, it's pretty clear that broadcasters are increasingly beginning to see the light about some of the disruptions that are destroying their business model.
by Terry Heaton
Letter From New Orleans: Insecticide
You might not have even known your home was infested.
by Jim Gabour
The Best Picture Books Aren’t Always Picture Books…
In preparation for my trip to Perpignan in September, and because I like books about France, I picked up something a few weeks ago that really opened my eyes, so to speak.
by James Colburn
Common Cents: Stock Licensing
Every time you log onto a photographers' discussion list, it's like a broken record: "Register your copyright." "Don't sign work-for-hire contracts." "Watch out for rights-grabbing contracts."
by Mark Loundy
Tech Tips
You are invited to submit questions about photo equipment, imaging technology, or photo industry trends that may have a bearing on your work or interests.
by Chuck Westfall

War Is Hell And So Is The News
E-Bits Editor Beverly Spicer ponders the gaps in mainstream news, and offers alternative solutions for getting the whole story.
by Beverly Spicer
Letter from the Publisher
Welcome to the August 2006 issue of The Digital Journalist, the monthly online magazine for visual journalism.
by Dirck Halstead
Through a Lens Dimly: Watch Your Ass
Life is fraught with peril. Surveys have been taken to determine how dangerous various trades and professions are.
by Dick Kraus
Announcing the 2006 Platypus Workshop
August 6-19, 2006, Maine Photo Workshop, Rockport, ME
Two New Books by Contributing Editors:

Watching the World Change: The Stories Behind the Images of 9/11 by David Friend is released this month. The book will be reviewed in our September issue.

Henri Huet: "J'étais Photographe de Guerre au Viêtnam" by Horst Faas and co-author Hélene Gédouin will be out September 1 and launched in Perpignan, France.

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